293 Wilson Street, Manchester, NH 03103

Hours: Monday – Friday 11:30 am – 9:00 pm
Saturday 12-9 pm


Welcome to Hope for New Hampshire Recovery. If you’re looking for help with your drug or alcohol issues, you’re in the right place. If you’re already in recovery and want to connect with others, you’re in the right place. If you want to discover some of the magic within you through painting, music, writing or just spending time with positive folks, you’re in the right place.

What We Do

Peer Support:

At Hope, we walk with you, meeting you where you’re at; not telling you what to do but offering suggestions along the way. This is your recovery! Our staff can help you make a recovery plan and find your personal recovery pathway but most importantly we help you connect to others with similar interests so that you don’t have to feel alone in this new way of life. We can also help you access treatment information, and other resources such as health insurance, housing, and basic needs. Making connections to a supportive recovery community gives you the support you need to help you through challenging times in recovery.

Telephone Recovery Support:

Telephone Recovery Support (TRS) is another service we offer. Once a week someone at Hope will call you to see how you are doing in your recovery. This is great support if you can’t come to the center in person. TRS can be a lifeline. You are cared about, accepted, and wanted. If a reoccurrence happens, we continue to reach out to you, keep you engaged in the program, support you with resources, and offer hope.

Sign up for Peer Support or Telephone Recovery Support

Our Recovery Center

Hope is for people who are interested in recovery. We offer a safe judgment-free space and peer support to folks seeking recovery, their families and friends, or people already in recovery.

We can help you get comfortable in your recovery. Everyone who works at Hope is in recovery. We are peers, not experts. Learning about recovery is important, so we host a bunch of different meetings throughout the week, including Recovery Dharma, SMART Recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Heroin Anonymous, Crystal Meth Anonymous, and other 12-Step programs. Being comfortable in recovery is also important, so we offer art, music, writing, and lots of other activities.

Many Pathways

Not everyone approaches recovery from the same place. People seeking or maintaining recovery have different backgrounds, values, needs, and situations. Because of this, we value ALL pathways to recovery, whether spiritual or secular. We can help you find what works for you.

Some of the options available are mutual support groups, faith-based groups, therapy/counseling, inpatient or intensive outpatient treatment, medication-assisted treatment, yoga, mindfulness, and exercise to name a few.

Helping a Loved One

Hope for NH Recovery is not solely focused on the recoveree, we are here to support the family as well. Our goal is to strengthen relations between family members diminished by addiction and alcoholism. We provide family support groups throughout the week. Know you are not alone in this; many families have suffered from substance misuse. Recovery is possible!  

Families deal with and experience the disease of addiction in many different ways. Coming to grips with the reality of what’s happening can be extremely difficult.  Sometimes confusion, misunderstanding, and other barriers can make the process of getting good help very hard.

Click for Staff Bios


I Matter, You Matter, We Matter
Connecting People to Recovery Through Community


Friends of Recovery NH, dba Hope for New Hampshire Recovery, is a 501c3 organization, making your donations tax-deductible.  Tax id: 02-0521502

Members share a little of their stories:


Art, music, writing, acting—these are some of the things that makes Hope Hope.

Many of us in recovery from drug or alcohol issues look back at our using days and see the talents, interests, and joys we shed in pursuing our substance of choice. Hope is about reclaiming those things we threw overboard from our sinking ships. Part of this reclamation is rediscovering the joys of childhood and becoming playful again. Here are some of the ways you can learn to express yourself and reclaim your life.

Art—When first-time visitors walk Hope’s halls or look into any of the rooms, they almost always comment on the paintings that cover the walls. More than 500 paintings, all made by Hope members, are hung with pride and joy throughout the center. Some of the art is truly stunning. Some are interesting. Some are simple. Every single work of art on our walls screams, “I am somebody and I was here.” Please, the next time you visit, grab a canvas, some brushes, and a variety of acrylic paints and make YOUR flag.

Music—With two pianos kept mostly in tune, a variety of stringed instruments, an electric keyboard, and various percussion instruments, Hope offers you a chance to improve your musical skills or just to find out what you’ve got hidden inside you.

Writing of all and any kind—Whether journaling, writing letters, composing poetry, or starting the Great American Novel inside you, Hope offers quiet space to write, along with staff and other members with whom to workshop your material.

Get Involved


Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer!  What experience or skills can you share with our members?

  • Run a group/class/meeting
  • Special events, outings, sports tournaments
  • General help like making coffee, and/or light cleaning

Send us your contact information to speak about volunteering

Start a Meeting/Group

If you are interested in starting a new:

  • Recovery Meeting
  • Workshop – Study Group
  • Training
  • Art – Music – Writing – Craft Group
  • Yoga – Meditation
  • Dance  – Exercise 

Have an idea?  Talk to our staff or email us


Make a Donation

When you donate to Hope Recovery, you help us change lives. Not only for the person with substance use disorder but their families and friends as well.  Learn More

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